Tall Pines Conservancy with speaker Paul Meuer

Paul Meuer (above) described the advantages of creating conservation easements, protecting our land and preserving it for generations to come. He described the work to integrate farmland, woodlands, wetlands and waterways, natural habitat for wildlife and outdoor recreation for environmentalists. The group was given a 260-acre farm called Ravensholme on the River, where education and conservation practices take place. The restored oak savannah also integrates agroforestry practices and extensive tree planting efforts. Partner programs include the Mason Creek Restoration Project and Oconomowoc River Conservancy Park. Go to Tallpinesconservancy.org to learn more about tax benefits to landowners.
Brewfest is March 1!
Sponsors and vendors are being lined up. Go to oconomowocbrewfest.com to buy tickets!
April 23 at Golden Mast
100th anniversary celebration for Club and guests
Oconomowoc Rotary Bike Tour
Date is set for Saturday, Sept. 13 at Ixonia park. Revenues to be allocated toward a cause to be decided.
Friendly reminder: Please take a moment to pay your dues and meal charges. If your company covers them, double-check that they’ve been submitted. Thanks for taking care of it!
Upcoming Meetings
February 10: City Update from Oconomowoc Director of Economic Development Bob Duffy
February 17: VFW Post 2260 - Commander Garret Collins
- February 24: Big5Tanzania - Laura Baird and Paula Seffrood